The Art of Writing


Essays on the Art of Writing, by Robert Louis Stevenson

Originally published in 1905 under the title "Essays in the Art of Writing"
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Learn from the Masters: 
The Art of Writing

Essays in the Art of Writing is a record of Robert Louis Stevenson's insights into the techniques of fiction writing and and exploration of his process of writing Treasure Island and The Master of Ballantrae.
On Some Technical Elements of Style in Literature 
The Morality of the Profession of Letters
Books Which Have Influenced Me
A Note On Realism
My First Book: Treasure Island 
The Genesis of The Master of Ballantrae

Robert Louis Stevenson lived a life that was almost as adventurous as the stories he created. He was a lifelong traveler, and he often wrote about his personal exploits in his travel narratives, such as Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes. He studied law, but never practiced. He always aspired to be a writer, and he taught himself to write by studying and copying the style and techniques of his favorite writers. 

Learn from a master of his craft in this free ebook, The Art of Writing.